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Rendez-Vous| Installation 

FuoriSalone 2018

GIUSEPPINA FLOR International Communication & PR | Communication Strategy, Press Office, Press Desk


Client | Mingardo

Location | FuturDome

Exhibition Design | Federica Biasi

About | Mingardo’s presentation at Design Week 2018 is all about meetings. The company is moving into product categories it has left relatively unexplored until now, and its preferred material metal enters into a conversation with other materials, taking on board new processes and

La presentazione di Mingardo alla Design Week 2018 è fatta di incontri. L’azienda si avvicina a tipologie di prodotto fin ad ora poco indagate ed il metallo, suo materiale d’elezione entra in dialogo con altre materie e sposa nuove lavorazioni e decori.

Photo | Matteo Imbriani photographer

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