FuoriSalone 2014
Giuseppina Flor International Communication & PR| Communication Strategy, Press Office, Press Desk, PR
Location | Ventura Lambrate
Exhibition design | OMA, Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rotterdam
About | Maarten Van Severen, Rem Koolhaas and Hans Lensvelt worked together in the past, on two projects. In 2013, Lensvelt acquires the rights to produce the collection of furnitures designed by MVS and decides to launch it with an exhibition designed by OMA.
Maarten Van Severen, Rem Koolhaas e Hans Lensvelt hanno lavorato insieme in passato. Quando Lensvelt nel 2013, compra i diritti per riprodurre la collezione di mobili disegnata da MVS decidendo di lanciarla al Salone, chiede ad OMA. di disegnarne l'allestimento.
Photo | Jan Willem Kaldenbach